Monday, May 11, 2015


I really really like garage sales. Especially the ones where there's a lot of good stuff for every good prices. And on Saturday my mum, my niece and I went on quite a few. Not all of them were the best ones but we did get some stuff. Here's my favorite:

little girl's dress - Cherokee - $1.00
The Trumpet of the Swan - $.50
Anne of Green Gables (complete and unabridged!!) - $.50 

Since Saturday was the last day of the garage sale, the owner had everything priced for a dollar. The dress was a definite buy - I love getting my nieces and nephews good stuff and the quality and cleanliness was great. And the books I've been wanting for a while. I'd rather have the books hard cover, but these would be great for underlining quotes and such. Although originally priced for a dollar each, I decided to take the risk of injuring my pride and bargained the books both for a dollar. Thankfully, the owner was more than willing. Whooh! I usually hate doing stuff like that, but when it comes to books.. I'm willing!

Garage sales are finally starting to pop up more now because of the warm weather and I cannot wait to find more interesting things! I remember how I used to hate them, and I could never understand people who loved them. But, honestly, thanks to books, I'm a changed person:) haha

Day 7:

A show or a movie that has changed you and how?

This is like so not my favorite question because I really don't watch movies. Ah, so I can't answer this very well. But Schindler's List was quite a deeply emotional movie, although I don't really remember because I was around five or seven when we watched that. The Boy in Striped Pajamas was very sad too, as well as Anne Frank (and here I say I don't watch many movies, pshh). But I can't say any of them have changed me. I know for sure that some movies - both documentary and movies movies -  have, in some ways, changed my opinion on certain matters, but I can't think of any. I guess they weren't that special. Just kidding. :P

What are some movies that changed you?
Comment and let me know, I'm pretty curious:) 


  1. that dress is adorable! I can't wait till I have kids one day so I can dress them in cute clothes :)
    and Anne is only my kindred spirit!

  2. Cute girls' dress and good book choices! I have that same copy of the Trumpet of the Swan. :)
    Hmm...movies that have changed me? That /is/ a hard question, and I've seen quite a few movies. I can't think right now of any that have changed me, though I feel like there's something :P

    1. Thanks:) See, this is what I was talking about. I'm sure there is something, but nothing is coming to mind..

  3. Oh, wow, Anne of Green Gables is a good read. The movie adaptation was brilliant, too. Nice finds. :)

  4. Aahh...garage sales. I can barely wait to go yard-saling around here's absolutely the best thing to do on Saturday morning..

  5. My mom and I are actually hosting a garage sale ourselves! And I'm selling an E.B. White book, too! O_o

    O | Life as a Young Lady

    1. Woot woot! Twinsies!.. almost:P ahaha but hope you guys have a great time:))


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